Collection: Pels

At PELS, our mission is simple yet deeply heartfelt: we're on a mission to turn any ordinary day into a cherished memory. Our 100% cotton yarn products are not just made with love; they're made to infuse your moments with warmth and comfort. We take great pride in sourcing our materials right here in South Africa, supporting local communities and businesses. And when it comes to crafting our jumpers, we entrust a small, passionate local company right here in Cape Town to weave their magic into each and every piece.

So, let's make the most of every day and create memories that will bring a smile to your face years from now. Join us on this heartfelt journey of family, love, and joy, because you deserve it all, and so does your family.

About PELS

At PELS, we take great pride in sourcing our materials right here in South Africa, supporting local communities and businesses. And when it comes to crafting our jumpers, we entrust a small, passionate local company right here in Cape Town to weave their magic into each and every piece.